It’s amazing how life can take two people separate ways and yet bring them back together again, in what seems like was meant to be! Ruth and Derek knew each other in high school in Savannah in the 80s, but weren’t really close friends. When Ruth became a widow, she slowly began to get back out in the dating world.  Along comes facebook, where a friend of Ruth’s suggested she should meet up with Derek because they both lived in Columbia. Here’s Ruth’s telling of her and Derek’s love story.

Derek and I met at a park in Columbia and talked for two hours.  He asked me out again and we have been dating ever since that has been eight years ago. Derek proposed like a romantic gentleman. Down on one knee, lots of mussy stuff with a beautiful ring. My heart overflowing with excitement, you could feel his love for me in every word he said.  

I loved to hear Ruth talk about the theme of their wedding during our first meeting.

The theme of our wedding is the infinity symbol, it represents that our love is never ending. Every thing with the wedding is also associated with the #8. We will be getting married on 8-18-2018, we will sign our marriage license at 8:18pm, our wedding venue was built in 1908, we have been dating a month shy of 8 years. The number 8 in the Bible represents a new beginning. Needless to say I am fascinated with the meaning of the number 8… We both are excited and are looking forward to what God has in store for our marriage and our future together.

I started the day with Ruth and Derek getting ready at the Corley Mill House.

Lacy dress detail and wedding hankerchief...

The bride and groom wanted to exchange letters before the ceremony so they each got on one side of the door where they couldn’t see each other but could hold hands and shared a few moments together.  I love that Derek kissed his soon-to-be-wife’s hand before they parted ways.  So sweet!

Ruth’s sons escorted her down the aisle.

The purple tree that was in bloom made an amazing background!

Since 8 played an important part during Ruth and Derek’s relationship, we snuck outside for some portraits at 8:08 and made it back just in time for them to sign their wedding license at 8:18pm!

Congratulations Ruth & Derek!

Other Vendors-
Hair Stylist- Jamie Maynor
Wedding Dress/ Bridesmaid’s Dresses- Davids Bridal
Alterations- Carol Evans Alterations
Tux/Suit- Jos A Banks
Ceremony Officiant- Pastor Mark Crumpton
Florist- Lexington Florists
Catering- Corley Mill House
Cake/Bakery- Publix
DJ- Ronny with Partytime DJs
Jeweler- Jewerly Warehouse & Barnes Jewelers


Are you getting married soon?  We’d love to hear more about your big day!  To set up a meeting or request a price sheet, just use the contact form below and we’ll be in touch with you soon!

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